Vending machines coming soon!
…until then, stop by any of Embrace Offices during business hours to access harm reduction supplies from an advocate.
Rusk County Machine Images and Video
Price County Machine Images and Video
“No one is disposable. Harm reduction saves lives! ”
Machine Locations
24-7 harm-reduction vending machines are located at Embrace’s Price and Rusk County Offices in Phillips and Ladysmith. These vending machines offer a free, convenient and confidential way to access harm reduction supplies. These machines are NOT under surveillance. You can also receive harm-reduction supplies at any of Embrace’s office locations by connecting with an advocate during business hours.
Available Supplies
Many items will be in discreet packaging with a color-coding system to promote autonomy to those utilizing the machine.
Fentanyl Test Strips
Syringes (27g, 29g, 31g)
Test Tin/Cookers
Wound Care Kits
Medication Deactivation Bags
Pregnancy Tests
Hygiene Kit
Tampons and Pads
County Resource Brochures
Safer Injecting Kits and Education Pamphlets
Machine access Instructions
Rusk County Vending Machine Access: Touch Screen to begin, enter code 1234. Next, enter the number below the item you would like to dispense. Confirm the item description and picture matches the item you want, click next. Enter your residential 5 digit zip code and the item will dispense. To access syringes and emergency contraceptive, a personal access code is needed. Please call 1-800-924-0556 to receive an access code. An advocate will collect some demographic information. All calls are confidential. These instructions are also posted at the machine sites.
Price County Vending Machine Access: Enter code 1234 and push #. Next, enter your residential 5 digit zip code. Enter the number below the item you would like to dispense. To access syringes and emergency contraceptive, a personal access code is needed. Please call 1-800-924-0556 to receive an access code. An advocate will collect some demographic information. All calls are confidential. These instructions are also posted at the machine sites.
Syringe Disposal
Our onsite sharps disposal boxes provide a safe and secure way to collect used syringes in an anonymous way. Please safely place your items in the disposal box and Embrace will take care of the rest!
“When we have an opportunity to save a life or give another day to a survivor or anyone in our community, then we are going to take that opportunity. ”
Every person regardless of what they are going through has value in our community, and we can’t create safety or access to treatment for that person if they are dead. We’re excited to be able to offer this support and for the opportunity to positively impact the health, wellbeing, and safety of one another.