Price County
The Price County Office is located in the basement level of the Price County Courthouse (126 Cherry Street in Phillips).
Call 715-339-4521 to talk to Kendra or Angela, the Program Coordinators in Price County.
Rusk County
The 24/7 Office and Safe Shelter is located in Ladysmith, Wisconsin at 107 Lindoo Avenue East. You can call or text staff 24/7/365 at 715-532-6976 if you need help or just want someone to talk to.
Washburn County
The Washburn County Outreach Office is located in Spooner, Wisconsin. The address is 702 North Front Street. We have a safe and confidential suite to your left when you enter through the main doors facing Front Street. You can call Brittny or Jessica, the Program Coordinators for the County, at 715-635-5245.